About Us
How can we help you?

01 Transportation
- Modern fleet of tractors and trailers in optimal conditions.
- 53ft Dry Box.
- Computer and satellite monitoring systems 24 hours a day.
- Electronic toll road payment.
- Imports and Exports.

02 Warehouse
- More than 300,000 square feet of warehousing in Chihuahua, Ciudad Juarez and El Paso, Tx.
- VMI.
- Imports and Exports.
- Inspection services.
- IMMEX Maquiladora de Servicios.
- Temporal importations.
- Closed Circuit in our terminals and warehouses

03 Our strengths
- Long term relationships.
- Responsibility with all our stakeholders.
- Logistics, warehouse and transport solutions.
Certifications and Organizations
Our Offices
If you have any question or comment,
contact us: